Sample opus Audio Files



Opus sample files are audio files that use the Opus audio codec, which is a highly efficient and flexible codec that can be used for a variety of audio applications. These sample files may include music, spoken word, or other types of audio, and they are typically used as examples or demonstrations of the capabilities of the Opus codec. Opus sample files are often used in demonstrations of audio equipment, software, or other technologies that support the Opus codec, and they may be available in a variety of file formats and resolutions depending on the needs of the user.

  • sample-1.opus

    3.8MB / 320Kbps / stereo / 00:01:36

  • sample-2.opus

    3.8MB / 320Kbps / stereo / 00:01:30

  • sample-3.opus

    706KB / 320Kbps / stereo / 00:00:13

  • sample-4.opus

    709KB / 320Kbps / stereo / 00:00:14

  • sample-5.opus

    1.8MB / 320Kbps / stereo / 00:00:45

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